books by author
Maurice Pledger

Sounds of the Wild Dinosaurs

Seashore: By the Seashore

Bobby Bear's Sticker Book

The Bumblebee

Adventure with Charlie Chick: An Interactive Pop-up Book

Ozzy Owl Sticker Book

Billy Bunny

The Hedgehog


Nature Trails: Dinosaurs
Bobby Bear's Sticker Book

Sounds of the Wild Safari: Safari (8 Spreads Version)
An adventure with Polly Polar Bear

The Frog (Eye-View Library)

Maurice Pledger Noisy World - Ocean (Maurice Pledger's Sounds of the Wild)

Bug World Sticker Book
billy bunnys 123

Maurice Pledger' Noisy Worlds - Jungle (Maurice Pledger's Sounds of the Wild)

Bobby Bear: An Interactive Pop-up Book


Sounds of the Wild: Birds