books by author

The Written Word: Bk. 2: Course in Controlled Composition (The Written Word: Course in Controlled Composition)

Concise Oxford Companion to the English Language (Oxford Paperback Reference)

Operations Analysis in the United States Army Eighth Air Force (History of Mathematics)

High Performance Rowing

Worlds of Reference

The English Languages (Canto)

Stolen Writings

In Search of the Historical Jesus

Midwives On Call At Christmas: Midwife's Christmas Proposal (Christmas in Lyrebird Lake, Book 1) / The Midwife's Christmas Miracle / Country Midwife, Christmas Bride

Longman Lexicon of Contemporary English (ELT)

Animal Senses

Longman Lexicon of Contemporary English (ELT)

Confucius: A Throneless King

Electromagnetism (Physics Topics S.)

THE WRITTEN WORD: Bk. 1 (The Written Word: Course in Controlled Composition)

Dictionary of English Phrasal Verbs and Their Idioms

The Oxford Companion to the English Language

No Mean City

Is it Just Me or is Everything Shit?: The Encyclopedia of Modern Life

The Shape of Shit to Come

Diseases of the Nervous System: Clinical Neuroscience and Therapeutic Principles

Yoga and the Bhagavad-gita

Is It Just Me Or Has The Shit Hit The Fan?: Your Hilarious New Guide to Unremitting Global Misery

Blighty: The Quest for Britishness, Britain, Britons, Britishness and The British

Design and Make It!: Textiles Technology (Design & Make It! S.)

Design and Make it: Textiles Technology for Key Stage 3 (Design & Make It! S.)

Crystals (Longman physics topics)

Planetary Astronomy (Longman physics topics)

Heat (Physics Topics)