books by author

The Painted Veil (thINKing Classics)

Dream Team: How Michael, Magic, Larry, Charles, and the Greatest Team of All Time Conquered the World and Changed the Game of Basketball Forever

Unsolved Mysteries (Nelson skills programme - reading skills)

Journey to Lean: Making Operational Change Stick

A Guide to Twelfth Night: 7 (The Shakespeare Handbooks)

International Monetary Economics

Monetary Economics: Theory and Policy

Pattern Motifs: A Sourcebook

Passion and Politics: Academics reflect on writing for publication (Institute of Education Publications)

Foundation Clinical Nursing Skills

Brief Encounters: A Practice and Activity Book for Intermediate English as a Second Language/English as a Foreign Language Students

How to Write for Publication: Professional Author's Handbook

A World Without Bees

Gastrointestinal Motility Disorders: Diagnosis and Treatment

What Makes a Good Primary School Teacher?: Expert Classroom Strategies

Social Studies for Jamaica Book 1: Living Together

How to Give Up Plastic: Simple steps to living consciously on our blue planet

How to Give Up Plastic: A Guide to Changing the World, One Plastic Bottle at a Time. From the Head of Oceans at Greenpeace and spokesperson for their anti-plastic campaign

Visitor from Another Planet and Other Plays