books by author

McCormack on Selling

Going to the Dogs: A Play About Truanting

Illustrated Golden Bough

Proprietary Claims and Insolvency

Japanese Imperialism Today: Co-Prosperity in Greater East Asia (Pelican S.)

Targeting of Drugs: Strategies for Stealth Therapeutic Systems: v. 6 (NATO Science Series: A): 300

Solar Bones: Mike McCormack

The Kellys and the O'Kellys: Or Landlords and Tenants (World's Classics S.)

Multicomponent Seismology in Petroleum Exploration (Investigations in Geophysics, Vol 6)

What They Still Don't Teach You at Harvard Business School: Selling More, Managing Better, and Getting the Job

The Absentee (World's Classics S.)

Self-Made in America: Plain Talk for Plain People about the Meaning of Success

Turning Blind Eyes: A Play About Bullying (Carel Press Hit Scripts)

English for Academic Study: Extended Writing and Research Skills (Course book)

Walking in Ireland (Lonely Planet Walking Guides)

110% Solution

Uncle Silas (World's Classics S.)

The Eustace Diamonds (Oxford World's Classics)

Mastering Mountain Bike Skills

Disney's Princess Collection: Love and Friendship Stories (Disney Storybook Collections)

Star Trek: Picard: The Last Best Hope (Volume 1)

Afterwords: Novelists on Their Novels

Fifty Greatest Golfers

Peer Talk in the Classroom: Learning from Research

The Cook Survives: Christmas and New Year (Panther Books)

What They Don't Teach You At Harvard Business School

Success Secrets

What They Don't Teach You at Harvard Business School

What They Don't Teach You at Harvard Business School (A John Boswell's Associates book)