books by author

JavaServer Pages in Easy Steps

Mere Apologetics: How To Help Seekers And Skeptics Find Faith

Inventing the Universe: Why we can't stop talking about science, faith and God

XML by Example: Building E-Commerce Applications (Charles F. Goldfarb Series on Open Information Management)

Linux in Easy Steps

C++ Programming in Easy Steps

The Handfasted Wife: The Daughters of Hastings Trilogy

Evangelicalism and the Future of Christianity

The Re-Enchantment of Nature: Science, Religion and the Human Sense of Wonder

Visual Basic In Easy Steps 3rd Edition

C Programming In Easy Steps (In Easy Steps Series)

The Enigma of the Cross

Roots That Refresh

The Cheviot, the Stag and the Black, Black Oil (Methuen Modern Plays)

The Twilight Of Atheism

SQL in Easy Steps

CSS in Easy Steps

The Boy in the Snow (The Edie Kiglatuk Arctic Crime Series)

The Encyclopedia of Jewellery-making Techniques

Why Does God Allow Suffering? (Hodder Christian Essentials S.)

NIV Bible Commentary

Supporting Early Mathematical Development: Practical Approaches to Play-Based Learning

The Bone Seeker (The Edie Kiglatuk Arctic Crime Series)


Matthew: Crossway Classic Commentary (Crossway Classic Commentaries)

The New Encyclopedia of Jewellery Making Techniques: A comprehensive visual guide to traditional and contemporary techniques

Perl In Easy Steps (In Easy Steps Series)

C. S. Lewis: A Life: Eccentric Genius, Reluctant Prophet

Understanding Doctrine: Its Purpose and Relevance for Today