books by author

Karl Marx: The Legacy

Thought of Karl Marx

Marxism: Essential Writings

Gentle and Passionate: Reflections from a Year as Moderator (On Reflection)

Preaching for these People (Mowbray Preaching S.)

Marx - The First Hundred Years (Fontana original)

Unto Caesar: Political Relevance of Christianity (Loyola Lectures in Political Analysis S.)

The Communist Manifesto (Oxford World's Classics)

Motoring Heritage: The Story of Some Historic British Vehicles

Socialism and Morality

500-1 - The Miracle of Headingley '81

Minoan Crete (Aspects of Greek Life S.)

Jolly Phonic Little Word Books: In Print Letters (Ae)

Karl Marx: His Life and Thought

Marx's "Grundrisse"

The Communist Manifesto (Oxford World's Classics)

Ideology (Concepts in the Social Sciences)

Ideology (Concepts in the Social Sciences)

Marxism and Religion

Marxism After Marx (Papermacs)

The Thought Of Karl Marx: An Introduction (Papermacs S.)

Marx Before Marxism (Papermacs S.)

Karl Marx: His Life and Thought

Political Christianity - A Reader (SPCK Essential Readings S.)

Capital An Abridged Edition (Oxford World's Classics)

Karl Marx: Selected Writings

Capital: An Abridged Edition (Oxford World's Classics)
