books by author

The World of Karl Pilkington

Handa's Surprise (Read & Respond Starter S.)

Vice Versâ, or, A Lesson to Fathers

Edward II (New Mermaid Anthology)

Management Control Systems: Performance Measurement, Evaluation and Incentives

Control in Business Organizations

The Death of Nature: Women, Ecology, and the Scientific Revolution : A Feminist Reappraisal of the Scientific Revolution

Navigating Time and Space in Population Studies: 9 (International Studies in Population, 9)

Neurobiology of Interval Timing: 829 (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 829)

Activities for Writing Adventure Stories 7-9 (Writing Guides)

Comedy (Critical Idiom S.)

Pioneering the Third Age: The Church in an Ageing Population

The World of Karl Pilkington

Radical Ecology: The Search for a Livable World (Revolutionary Thought and Radical Movements)

A Tale of Two Cities (Wordsworth Classics)

Non-Fiction for the Literacy Hour: Classroom Activities for Primary Teachers

Picture Books for the Literacy Hour: Activities for Primary Teachers

The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (Wordsworth Classics)

The Way We Live Now (Wordsworth Classics)

The Office: The Scripts

Activities for Writing Sci-Fi Stories for Ages 7-9: Fiction for Ages 7-9 (Writing Guides)

The Epic (Critical Idiom S.)

Readings in Accounting for Management Control (Chapman & Hall Series in Accounting and Finance)