books by author

Wellard's NHS Guide 2008

Successful Children, Successful Teaching

Reading 1 Skills Book

Four Musicians of Bremen (Taking turns)

Success Writing 1 - Part of the SUCCESS! range of over 20 books

Our Garden Flowers (Ferdy & Bo Garden Series)

The Dragon Who Came in from the Cold (New Way: Taking Turns)

Practice Book - Comprehension (Success!)

Human Rights and Gender Violence: Translating International Law into Local Justice (Chicago Series in Law and Society)

Gloucestershire and Hereford & Worcester (New Shell Guides)

New Way - Taking Turns Jumble Jane and the Jam Jar Genie

Empathy (Rogers Therapeutic Conditions Evolution Theory & Practice)

Learning and Being in Person-Centred Counselling: A Textbook for Discovering Theory and Developing Practice

Fearless Fitzroy (Walkers Red Sprinters)

Writing 2 Skills Book: Writing Skills: Activity Bk.2 (Success!)

Tidal Reaches: An Artist's Impressions of the Creeks and Harbours of the South Coast of Cornwall

Discovering Country Walks in North London

The Public Relations Writers Handbook: The Digital Age (Second Edition)

Discovering Country Walks in North London

Quality: Measuring and Monitoring ("Sunday Times" Business Skills S.)

Proud Child, Safer Child: Handbook for Parents and Carers of Disabled Children (The Women's Press handbook series)

Taking Turns: Eddie's Midnight Secret

Taking Turns: Dragon Who Came in from the Cold

Taking Turns: Jumble Jane and the Jam Jar Genie

Taking Turns: Gertie Grimble and the Witch's Cat

Practice Book - Writing Letters (Success!)