books by author
Michael A.

Richard Rorty: Education, Philosophy and Politics (Critical Media Studies: Institutions, Politics, and Culture)

Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain

Neuroscience [Book and CD package]

Pricing and Regulatory Innovations Under Increasing Competition: 24 (Topics in Regulatory Economics and Policy)

Secondary Research: Information Sources and Methods (Applied Social Research Methods)

Optical Illusion Magic: Visual Tricks and Amusements

Dictionary of Computer Terms (Barron's business guides)

Medical Microbiology

Living Under Grace: Romans 6: 1-7: 25 (Preaching Through Romans S.)

Foundation Skills: Mathematics Bk. 1 (Letts Study Aid)

Foundation Skills: Mathematics Bk. 2 (Letts Study Aid)

Mathematics (Bk. 3) (Letts Study Aid)

G.C.S.E.Passbook (Key Facts)

The Development of Young Children's Social-Cognitive Skills (Essays in Developmental Psychology)

The Basic Practice of Statistics

Electricity and Magnetism (Awesome Experiments in S.)

Effective Teamwork: Practical Lessons from Organizational Research (Psychology of Work and Organizations)

Faqs All About Dim (Frequently Asked Questions)

A Handbook for the Field Assessment of Land Degradation

Blackstone's Statutes on Medical Law (Blackstone's Statute Books)

Effective Teamwork (Personal and Professional Development)

Developing Creativity in Organizations (Personal and Professional Development)

Mathematics: G.C.S.E.Passbook (Keyfacts S.)

Signalling in the Age of Steam (Ian Allan abc S.)

Adult Congenital Heart Disease: a Practical Guide

Neural Models of Language Processes

Living a Godly Life

The Psychology of Meditation

Ecclesiastes: An Introduction and Commentary (Tyndale Old Testament Commentary Series)