books by author
Michael J.

New Testament: An Introduction (Faith and Witness)

State Formation in Early Modern England, c.1550-1700

Always Looking Up

Land Remote Sensing and Global Environmental Change: NASA's Earth Observing System and the Science of ASTER and MODIS: 11 (Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing, 11)

Encyclopedia of Estuaries (Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series)

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: Advances in Therapeutics: 79 (Neurological Disease and Therapy)

Reservoir Stimulation

Commentary on the Catechism of the Catholic Church

Jesus Under Fire: Modern Scholarship Reinvents the Historical Jesus

SQL Server 7 Data Warehousing (SQL Server Professional Library)

What Money Can't Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets

Ireland and the Land Question 1800-1922 (Lancaster Pamphlets)

Surgery of the Foot and Ankle

Problem Solving in Business and Management: Hard, Soft and Creative

Palestine: Retreat from the Mandate - The Making of British Policy, 1936-45

Principles of Genetics

Butler's Lives of the Saints

Medical Genetics Updated Edition for 2006 - 2007: With Student Consult Online Access

Financial Accounting

Encyclopedia of Genetics, Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics: 8 Volume Set

MCQs for MRCP Part 1 (Revision MCQs)

Microbiology: Concepts and Applications

Location and Links: Bk. 2

Behavioural Self-control

Principles of Genetics

Agricultural Location: Concepts and Techniques

Action Research for Language Teachers (Cambridge Teacher Training and Development)

Clinical Immunology of the Dog and Cat

Computer Simulation of Behaviour (Hutchinson university library, psychology)