books by author
Michael J. B.

Platonic Theology: Books 1-4 v.1: Books 1-4 Vol 1 (I Tatti Renaissance Library): Books I-IV (Tatti Renaissance Library (HUP) CONTINS PASS TO - [email protected])

Platonic Theology: v.2, Bks.5-8: Vol 2, Bks.5-8 (The I Tatti Renaissance Library): Books V-VIII (Tatti Renaissance Library (HUP) CONTINS PASS TO - [email protected])

Platonic Theology, Volume 3: Books IX–XI (The I Tatti Renaissance Library 7)

Platonic Theology, Volume 4: Books XII–XIV (The I Tatti Renaissance Library 13)

Platonic Theology, Volume 5: Books XV–XVI (The I Tatti Renaissance Library 17)