books by author
Michael P.

An End to Childhood (Library of Holocaust Testimonies)

Accounting for Managers

Accounting for Managers

Condensed Matter Physics

Research Methods for Science

Economic Development in the Third World

Acoustical Imaging: Volume 28 (Acoustical Imaging, 28)

Acoustical Imaging: Volume 30 (Acoustical Imaging, 30)

RILEM 252-CMB Symposium: Chemo-Mechanical Characterization of Bituminous Materials: 20 (RILEM Bookseries, 20)

REFLECTIONS ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: The Selected Essays of Michael P. Todaro (Economists of the Twentieth Century series)

Common Foot Problems in Primary Care

Catholic Education: The Unobtrusive Partner

Complete Birds of the World

Why Do Catholics Eat Fish on Friday?: The Catholic Origin to Just About Everything

International Action Against Racial Discrimination

The Making of the American Landscape

Paint the White House Black: Barack Obama and the Meaning of Race in America

Marketing Classics: A Selection of Influential Articles

Upsize Humor Book Cat

The Dynamics of Competition and Predation: 72 (Studies in Biology)

Nursing Management and Education

Industrial Relations: A Textbook

Star Wars: Black Fleet Trilogy 1- Before the Storm: 01

Star Wars: Shield of Lies (Book 2 of the Black Fleet Crisis)

Star Wars: Before the Storm

Becoming a Master Manager: A Competency Framework

Becoming a Master Manager

Becoming a Master Manager: A Competing Values Approach

Cheshire, Fifoot and Furmston's Law of Contract