books by author

Facts and Figures (Simple Mathematics S.)

Exploration and Discovery (Picture history)

Children's Encyclopaedia of History: Dark Ages to 1914 (Picture history)

Facts and Figures (Simple Mathematics S.)

Amazing Magnets (First Science)

The Future of Biblical Archaeology: Reassessing Methodologies and Assumptions: The Proceedings of a Symposium August 12-14, 2001 at Trinity Internatio

Reading and Writing in the Time of Jesus: No. 69 (Biblical Seminar S.)

Spring Festivals (Get Set, Go!)

Watch it Grow! (First Science)

Early Civilization (Usborne Illustrated World History)

Egypt (The Great Civilizations S.)

The Best-ever Book of Pyramids

Toys and Dolls (World Crafts)

India (Country Topics)

Treasures from Bible Times

Nim's Island

Electricity (Toybox Science)

Hero of the Empire: The Making of Winston Churchill

In Ancient Greece (Family Life)

The Princess and the Unicorn

New Year (Get Set, Go!)

Eric the Red (Beyond the Horizons S.)

Greek and Norse Legends (Myths & legends)

Puppets (World Crafts)

Mysteries of: The Pyramids

Bonnes Vacances: A Crazy Family Adventure in the French Territories

How People Lived

Building Materials for Life, Volume II: 2

Energy and Power (Science Starters S.)