books by author

The Queen's Bracelet: Book 1 (Charmseekers)

Upland Britain

Workplace Industrial Relations in Britain: The D.E./P.S.I./S.S.R.C.Survey

Invisible Vinnie

Granny Grimm's Gruesome Glasses (Jets)

Bear and Bird

Landscapes of North Wales

The Silver Pool: Book 2 (Charmseekers)

The Shell Book of the British Coast

GNVQ Construction and the Built Environment: Advanced

The Beasties

Guess What I Found in Dragon Wood

Theorising Special Education

Fast Guide to Cubase SX, 2nd Edition

The Bog Baby

Great Stories and Songs: Stories, Songs, Prayers and Activities for Use with Children 8-12 Years

Great Stories and Songs: Stories, Songs, Prayers and Activities for Use with Children 8-12 Years

The Queen's Bracelet: Book 1 (Charmseekers)

Bear Bird and Frog (Bear and Bird)

Urban Harvest: Urban Renewal in Retrospect and Prospect

Invisible Vinnie (New Corgi Pups)