books by author

Starting Needlecraft (Usborne First Skills)

Playtime Activities (Usborne Playtime S.)

Italian For Dummies

Business Marketing: An Interaction and Network Perspective
The Great Pig Escape (Kelpies)

Peace Photography (Rethinking Peace and Conflict Studies)

The Exodus Case: New Discoveries Confirm the Historical Exodus

The Map of Knowledge: How Classical Ideas Were Lost and Found: A History in Seven Cities

Pocket Atlas of Radiographic Positioning (Thieme flexibooks)

Pocket Atlas of Radiographic Anatomy

The Map of Knowledge: How Classical Ideas Were Lost and Found: A History in Seven Cities

Usborne Book of Fancy Dress (How to Make S.)

Starting Needlecraft (Usborne First Skills)

Sophie's World: The Greek Philosophers ( Penguin 60)

Good Bread, a Book of Thanks: A Book of Thanks (Michael Neugebauer Books (Hardcover))