books by author

Rosa's code

An Impossible Woman: The Memories of Dottoressa Moor of Capri

Powell and Pressburger: A Cinema of Magic Spaces (Cinema and Society)

Logic Book

The Case of the Missing Cat: 4 (Crabtree School)

The Girl Who Stole the World: 3 (Crabtree School)

Cutting Edge Pre-Intermediate Workbook With Key

Cutting Edge: Upper Intermediate: Workbook

Cutting Edge Intermediate:A Practical Approach to Task-Based Learning Teachers Book

Cutting Edge Upper-Intermediate Teacher's Book

The Logic Book

Cutting Edge Advanced Workbook With Key

New Cutting Edge Upper Intermediate Students Book and CD-Rom Pack

Cutting Edge Advanced Students Book and CD-Rom Pack

New Cutting Edge Pre-Intermediate Students (Book & CD ROM)

Answer the Question (Self-help S.)

Preintermediate (Making Headway)

Cutting Edge Starter Teacher's Book

The Three Ninja Pigs

The Royal Babysitters (The Holy Moly Holiday)

Moo La La

The Boy Who Cried Sheep! (Hopscotch: Twisty Tales)

Sir Boris the Brave and the Tall Tales Princess

Super Cats v Maximus Fang

Elementary (Headway)

FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT GLANCE INTERIORS (Frank Lloyd Wright at a Glance Series)

New Headway Pronunciation Course Student's Practice Book by Parminter, Sue ( Author ) ON Feb-04-2000, Paperback

New Cutting Edge: Pre-intermediate: Student's Book

Year Two Forever and Ever: 1 (Crabtree School)