books by author

Pathways to Literacy (Year 6/Stage 7) – Fire! Fire!: Set A Reader (Collins Pathways S.)

The Power and The Fury: 1 (Eden Chronicles)

Puzzle Masters: Star Quest: Extreme Puzzle Challenges for Clever Kids

The Little Apple Tree (Picture Books)

2000 Yearbook of Astronomy

The Fun Run (Reading Corner Phonics - Level 3)

Little Red Riding Hood (Leapfrog Fairy Tales)

Not So Stories

Cheese and Eggs

Wole Soyinka

Stars and Planets

The Little Book of Prayers

The Bird of Time: The Science and Politics of Nature Conservation - A Personal Account

Short Story Sequencing: Grades 1-2 (Sequencing for Young Learners)

Chosen Tongue

Pathways to Literacy (Year 5/Stage 6) – Daydream: Set A Reader (Collins Pathways S.)

Common Mistakes at Proficiency...and How to Avoid Them

Live it Large! / Not Spots

Gray's Anatomy Puzzle Book: Think You Know Your Cranium from Your Clavicle? Tibia from Your Trachea? Think Again ...: 1

Florence Nightingale: The trailblazing nurse of Victorian England (Great Victorians)

The Feast of Lupercal

The Temptation of Eileen Hughes (Paladin Books)

I am Mary Dunne

The Luck of Ginger Coffey

Dick and Dom's Joke Book

The Great Big Indoors Family Puzzle Book
Modern Poetry from Africa

MRI from Picture to Proton

Process of Learning