books by author

Hungry For Home: Leaving the Blaskets: A Journey from the Edge of Ireland

Nouvelles Perspectives, Decouvertes: Student's Book

Why Write?

Child Health (Pocket Consultant)

Total English Intermediate Teacher's Resource Book and Test Master CD-ROM Pack

New Total English Intermediate Teacher's Book and Teacher's Resource CD Pack

Changing Behavior: Teaching Children with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties in Primary and Secondary Classrooms (Resource Materials for Teachers)

Immunizing Children: A Practical Guide

Tales from Early UK Oil Exploration 1960-1979

To Serve God and Wal-Mart: The Making of the Christian Free Enterprise

This Bird Can't Fly (Science Emergent Readers)

Dmso Natural Healer: Nature's Healer

Nouvelles Perspectives, Reperes: Student's Book