books by author

HBR's 10 Must Reads on Communication (with featured article "The Necessary Art of Persuasion," by Jay A. Conger)

A Beautiful Constraint: How To Transform Your Limitations Into Advantages, and Why It′s Everyone′s Business

Waste Disposal (Earth Watch)

How Your Body Works: Getting Energy

Language (Level 1) (Longman Book Project)

The Pirate Inside: Building a Challenger Brand Culture Within Yourself and Your Organizations

The Biggest Birthday Card in the World (Sprinters)

Clinical Anesthesiology

Railways: Civil Engineering (Industrial Archaeology)

Come Down, Silky!: Level 2 (I Can Learn: Key Word Readers)

Lets Talk About my Favourite Things

Alligators and Crocodiles (Amazing Animals)

Little Faces It's Party Time for Penguin

Edwina Mountbatten Biography

Bond 11+: Non-verbal Reasoning Assessment Papers: 11+-12+ years Book 2

ABC of Antenatal Care: Fourth Edition (ABC Series)

Teaching Modern Foreign Languages: A Handbook for Teachers (Kogan Page Teaching)

Chromatic Harmonica

Catnapped Read-Aloud (LONGMAN BOOK PROJECT)

Marriage-Lite: The Rise of Cohabitation and Its Consequences (Civil Society S.)

Oxford Reading Tree inFact: Oxford Level 5: Erik's Viking Adventure

Passeport au Plaisir: Un Grand Salut! Bk. 2

Total Woman

Get Ready for Writing (I Can Learn)

Oxford Reading Tree: Level 11: TreeTops Myths and Legends: The Strength of Hercules (Myths Legends)

Writing from Australia (Figures in a Landscape)

Woken Furies: Netflix Altered Carbon book 3 (Takeshi Kovacs)