books by author

Advanced Conversational English: Workbk

Straight Thinking About Spiritual Growth

Science Through the Senses (DIY for children)

On to Oregon

Orion's Awakening (1): Book One of the Star Magic Series

Reading and Writing is Child's Play (Shared learning activities)

Reading Freire and Habermas: Critical Pedagogy and Transformative Social Change

Methods for Field Trials of Interventions against Tropical Diseases: A `Toolbox'

Head Start to Learning (Shared learning activities)

Cooking without Heat (DIY for children)

Making Things without Needles (DIY for children)

Skills for Reading: With Extracts from "New Scientist"

Mathematics is Child's Play (Shared learning activities)

Activities for Holidays and Weekends (Shared learning activities)

The Continent of Lies

City of Truth

Only Begotten Daughter (Legend books)

The Picador Book Of The New Gothic

The Splendid Journey (New Windmills KS3)

Highness: Maharajahs of India

Revolution and Counter-revolution in Spain

The Last Witchfinder

What a Life! An Autobiography E.V.L & G.M.

Insights from the Common European Framework (Describing English Language)

The Queen

Making Models from Junk (D.I.Y. for Children S.)

Printing is Fun (D.I.Y. for Children S.)

Collage Pictures (D.I.Y. for Children S.)

Gardening: In and Out (DIY for children)