books by author

Trackers: Level 2: Fiction: Getting on the Team

Trackers: Level 3: Fiction: Blop and the Blob

Smart Alec's Knock-knock Jokes for Kids

Dad, You're Not Funny and other Poems

The Cambridge Encyclopedia of The Middle East and North Africa

The Day I Fell Down the Toilet and Other Poems

The Sprongs Tame the Wipplesnip

Spooky Puzzles

The Rock Penguins (A first read-alone book)
Into the Bible: 101 Routes to Explore
Into the Bible: 101 Routes to Explore

Cheeky Jokes for Kids (Smart Alec Joke Books)

Round the World in German

Nite-glo Gang Go Exploring (Picture Corgi S.)

Trackers: Level 4: Fiction: Sports Day

Trackers: Level 2: Fiction: Just Like on Earth

Trackers: Level 3: Fiction: The Pop Star

Trackers: Level 3: Fiction: The School Ghost

Trackers: Bear Tracks: Space School Stories: Book 4: New School

Usborne Science for Beginners (Simple science)

Let's Investigate Writing Poetry

Trackers: Bear Tracks: Space School Stories: Book 2: Pet Day

Trackers: Level 4: Fiction: The Monster of Moon 5

The Incredible Years: A Trouble-Shooting Guide for Parents of Children Aged 3-8

Picture dictionary

Into the Bible: 101 Routes to Explore

Sod Sitting, Get Moving!: Getting Active in Your 60s, 70s and Beyond

Sod it! Eat Well: Healthy Eating in Your 60s, 70s and Beyond

Sod Seventy!: The Guide to Living Well