By William Scott, BSc, MPhil, PhD, Deirdre McGrath, RN, BSc, MSc
By Donald L. Lorimer, Gwen J. French, Maureen O'Donnell, BSc(Hons), FChS, FPodMed, DPod M, Dip Ed, J. Gordon Burrow, DPodM, Ba, AdvDipEd, MPhil, FCPodMed, MSc, CMIOSH, FHEA, Barbara Wall
By Claire Robinson, MPhil
By J. R. TROUNCE, Anne Joshua (Department of Community Health, University of Wittwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa), Dinah Gould, BSc, MPhil, PhD, DipN, RGN, RNT (Lecturer, Department of Nursing Studies, King's college, University of London)