books by author
Mr Nigel

Bitesize Interactive Revision Tutor: Additional Science (AQA) GCSE (Bitesize GCSE)

Edexcel GCSE Modern World History Unit 3A War and the Transformation of British Society c.1903-28 Student Book (MODERN WORLD HISTORY TEXTS)

Edexcel GCSE Modern World History Unit 1 Peace and War: International Relations 1900-91 Student book (MODERN WORLD HISTORY TEXTS)

Psychology in Focus - AS Level

Psychology in Focus - A Level

Psychology in Focus - AS Level Teachers Guide

Psychology in Focus - A2 Level

Heinemann History Study Units: Student Book. The Twentieth Century World

Buddy's Song (New Windmills KS3)

Heinemann Secondary History Project: The Modern World Foundation

Edexcel GCSE Modern World History Unit 1 Peace and War: International Relations 1900-91 Student book (MODERN WORLD HISTORY TEXTS)

Heinemann Secondary History Project: The Modern World Core Book

Modern World History for OCR syllabus 1607 (OCR Modern World History 2009)

Studies in Economics and Business: Supply Side Policies

AQA GCSE Science: Teachers' Active Pack Book: For AQA GCSE Science A

Longman Science for AQA: GCSE Additional Science Copymaster File & CD-ROM: For AQA GCSE Additional Science A (AQA GCSE SCIENCE)

Chess Training

Bitesize Interactive Revision Tutor: Science (AQA) GCSE (Bitesize GCSE)

Modern World History for OCR: Core Textbook: Core Edition (OCR Modern World History 2009)

Heinemann History: The Second World War

Heinemann Revision for GCSE History: Modern World History (Heinemann Secondary History Project)

The Play Of Buddy's Song (Heinemann Plays For 11-14)

The Play Of Oliver Twist (Heinemann Plays For 11-14)

Buddy, The TV Script (Heinemann Floodlights)

Heinemann Secondary History Project, Russia 1905-56 Core Book

Heinemann Secondary History Project USA 1918-41 Core Pupil Book

Living Through History: Core Book. Making of the United Kingdom

Living Through History: Core Book. Britain 1750-1900

Heinemann Revision for GCSE: Schools History Project: SHP - Schools History Project (Heinemann Secondary History Project)