books by author


The Boy with Two Heads



An Introduction to Sustainability: Environmental, Social and Personal Perspectives

Life Coaching - Change you life in 7 days: Change your life in 7 days

Shopping Cart Soldiers

The Women's Institute Book of Pies and Puddings

Catholic Education: Ensuring the Future

The Origins of the First World War: 52 (New Approaches to European History, Series Number 52)

Reconceptualizing Early Mathematics Learning (Advances in Mathematics Education)

A History of Photography: From 1839 to the Present (The George Eastman House Collection)

A Dictionary of Genetics

NOW That's What I Call A Quiz: Puzzle Your Way Through Sixty Years of Pop

Personal Management Handbook: How to Make the Most of Your Potential

Ribblestrop (Volume 1)

BTEC Level 3 National Sport Book 1 (BTEC National Sport 2010)


The The Dangerous World of Joe McGinty: BUG CLUB

Farmhouse Kitchen

Ribblestrop Forever! (Volume 3)

Soups: Best Kept Secrets of the Women's Institute (Best Kept Secrets of the Women's Institute S.)

The Upper Limb and Hand (Modular textbook of orthopaedics series)

Manual Therapy 'Nags', 'Snags' and 'Mwms'

Manual Therapy Nags

The Clinical Management of Early Alzheimer's Disease: A Handbook


Practical Physics: The Production and Conservation of Energy

The Farmhouse Kitchen Baking Book