books by author
Days in the Sun
Statistical Methods for Healthcare Research
Six Sigma for the Shopfloor: A Pocket Guide
Overcome Bullying for Parents (How to Help Your Child) (How to Help Your Child S.)
The Complete Patter: "The Patter: Guide to Current Glasgow Usage" and "The Patter: Another Blast"
The Patter: Another Blast
The Complete Short Stories of Saki (H. H. Munro)
The Story of Ferdinand (Puffin Books)
Something I've Been Meaning to Tell You: Material; How I Met my Husband; Walking On Water; Forgiveness in Families; Tell me Yes or No; the Found Boat; ... Winter Wind; Memorial; the Ottawa Valley
Careers with a Science Degree (Student Helpbooks)
Designer Living: Way to Beat Stress
Africa and the International Economy, 1800-1960 (Everyman's University Library)