books by author

B. B. C. Micro (Beginners' Micro Guides)

Messy Martin

Listen Carefully

Marigold's Bad Hair Day (Hopscotch)

The Best Mum


Flat Stanley

Dick Whittington (Leapfrog Fairy Tales)

Reading Corner Phonics: A Flower for Gran: 26

Custard And Company

Hero Academy: Oxford Level 5, Green Book Band: Attack of the Robot Bunnies

Dick Whittington (Must Know Stories: Level 1)

Annie: The Story Of A Victorian Mill Girl

Out of the Shadow (Victorian Flashbacks)

The Faith of Generation Y (Explorations)

Rat Saturday (Young Puffin Books)

Toby and The Great Fire Of London (Hopscotch: Histories)

The Social Appraisal of Projects: A Text in Cost-Benefit Analysis

The Railways, the Market and the Government

Thumbelina (Leapfrog Fairy Tales)

Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics

Florence Was No Ordinary Fairy

Into The Unknown: The Tudor Explorers John and Sebastian Cabot (Historical Storybooks)

All Aboard : Stage 6 Sam And Rosie: Lord Scarecrow

Practical Calligraphy

Zoo without Bars

Direct Marketing: Strategy, Planning, Execution (MARKETING/SALES/ADV & PROMO)

Grace To The Rescue

Modern Historical Geographies