books by author

Planta Sapiens: The New Science of Plant Intelligence

Boudicca Fights Back: 21 (Sparks)

Rabbits in the Park: A Book of Colours

OCR Gateway Extended Science B: Revision Guide (Collins Gcse Essentials)

Stone Blind: the breathtaking Sunday Times bestseller

Cards (Utterly Gorgeous)

Big Bad Troll (Reading Ladder Level 2)

Four Hundred Years of Fashion

The Women of Rothschild: The Untold Story of the World's Most Famous Dynasty

Marple: Twelve New Stories: A brand new collection featuring the Queen of Crime’s legendary detective Miss Jane Marple, penned by twelve bestselling and acclaimed authors

A Thousand Ships

Numeracy: Reception (The Evans Bookshelf)

Revise WJEC GCSE English Language for Wales Workbook: With all you need to know for your 2022 assessments

This Boy (Read On)

Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary: With FREE SpeakFrench pronunciation CD-ROM (selected markets only) (The Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary)

Football Fanatic (Read On)

Read On – Fast Cars

Making it Move: A Short History of Animation (Read On)

Invasion (Read On)

The Ice Man (Read On)

Hole in the Road (Read On)

On the Run (Read On)

Unsolved Mysteries (Read On)

Point Danger (Read On)

Tunnel of Terror (Read On)

Wildlife: A Map Colouring Book: A World of Animals and Plants to Colour

The Bravest Dog Ever: The True Story of Balto (Red Fox young fiction)

101 Fantastic Juices and Smoothies: Put the Fun Back into Juicing!