books by author

Shaman and the Magician: Journeys Between the Worlds

Pardoner's Tale (English Classics S.)

The Nun's Priest's Tale (English Classics S.)

Vision Quest: A Personal Journey Through Magic and Shamanism

The Elements of... - Shamanism

Cunning Folk: A Folk Horror Thriller from the Author of No One Gets Out Alive and The Ritual

The Reddening: A Folk-Horror Thriller from the Author of The Ritual.

Towards a Cosmic Music

Third Ear: On Listening to the World

Shamanism (The Element Library)

The Canterbury Tales(Illustrated Edition): Selection

Last Days

Life at the Court of Queen Victoria: 1861-1901
Music for Inner Space: Techniques for Meditation and Visualisation

The Gods of Ancient Rome: Religion in Everyday Life from Archaic to Imperial Times

The Canterbury Tales (Penguin Clothbound Classics)

Troilus and Criseyde (Classics)

The Canterbury Tales (Penguin Classics)

Inner Visions: Explorations in Magical Consciousness