books by author
Mutualisms and Insect Conservation
NIV Gospel of Matthew (New International Version)
Nothing: From Absolute Zero to Cosmic Oblivion, Amazing Insights into Nothingness (New Scientist)
NIV E100 Bible: Your journey through the Bible in 100 readings (New International Version)
Holy Bible: New International Version (Grey Notebook Bible)
NIV Deluxe Bible (New International Version)
NIV Journey Into Life Beacon Bible Paperback (New International Version)
Conservation of the Richmond Birdwing Butterfly in Australia
Vortex Rings and Jets: Recent Developments in Near-Field Dynamics: 111 (Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications, 111)
Why Did I Do That?: Understanding and Mastering Your Motives
Alien Species and Insect Conservation
‘In Considerable Variety’: Introducing the Diversity of Australia’s Insects
Insect Conservation and Urban Environments
Insects, Fire and Conservation
NIV Gospel of Luke (New International Version)
Insect Conservation and Islands
Beetle Conservation
Observers Stamp Collecting
NIV Popular Bible (New International Version)
NIV Biblefresh Paperback Bible
NIV Thinline Bible (Black)
Reglamento para el Monte-Pio de Viudas y Huérfanos de los Empleados en las Escribanías de Cámara de las Reales Audiencias y en Otras Reales Oficinas ... Rey Nuestro Señor en Real Cédula de 10 de Ma
The Observer's Book of Postage Stamps
NIV Manga Bible: The NIV Bible with 64 pages of Bible stories retold manga-style (New International Version)
NIV Larger Print Compact Single Column Reference Bible: Leather (New International Version)
NIV Pocket Bible (White Gift)
Fried spuds at ten: An Isle of Wight childhood
NIV Journalling Bible Illustrated by Hannah Dunnett (new edition) (New International Version)
NIV Soul Survivor Youth Bible Hardback (New International Version)