books by author

A Beautiful Game: My love affair with cricket

Sickness and Maternity Pay Handbook

The Doldrums: Book 1

How Heavy, How Much and How Long?: Weights, Money and Other Measures Used by Our Ancestors (Chapman's Records Cameos S.)

The Oxford 123 Book of Number Rhymes

Sultans Of Spin: The Media And The New Labour Government

Diary of a Castle Adventure (Barron's Diary Series)

The Runaway Bed: 2 (Hilltop Hospital S.)

Fire Alert!: 3 (Hilltop Hospital S.)

Happy Birthday, Dr. Matthews: 4 (Hilltop Hospital S.)

Bankruptcy ("Wind in the Willows" Stories)

The Story of Tantrum O'Furrily

Change in Focus: Study of Doctrinal Change and Continuity (Stagbooks S.)

The Wildlife Trust's Guide to Butterflies and Moths (The Wildlife Trusts series)

The Kappillan of Malta (W&N Military)

The Promised Land: An Account Of Sharecropping Families In Their Journey From The: Great Black Migration and How it Changed America

New Decorator

The Glow in the Dark Book of Space

The Economics of the Welfare State

Darken Ship: The Master Mariner - Book Two

The Ship That Died Of Shame

A-haunting We Will Go

Learner Teacher

The New Natural Death Handbook

Jack Russell Terriers ("KW" S.)

Jesus' Christmas Party

International School of Sugarcraft Book 2

The Smoke Jumper

Queen Elizabeth II: A Woman Who Is Not Amused