books by author

Nectaries and Nectar

Gender Issues in Clinical Psychology

God in AIDS?: A Theological Enquiry

Shells: 20 Practical Inspirations (Design Motifs S.)
Strangers to England: Immigration to England, 1100-1945

The Sea is Not Made of Water: Life Between the Tides

Virginia Woolf (Lives)
The National Trust Book of Long Walks

Great Houses of Britain

Exploring the Planets

Astronomy: A Dictionary of Space and the Universe (Arrow reference books)

John Milton (Reader's Guides)

Diaries and Letters (edited and condensed edition)

Stars & Planets: An Illustrated Guide

Restoration: The Rebuilding of Windsor Castle (The Royal Collection)

Harold Nicolson: Diaries and Letters 1930 - 1964

Road to the Stars

Portrait of a Marriage

Men of Honour: Trafalgar and the Making of the English Hero

Book of Walks

Power and Glory: Jacobean England and the Making of the King James Bible

Great Houses of the Western World

A Traveller's History Of Greece

The Village in History

Strangers to England: Immigration to England, 1100-1945

A Shetland Nature Diary

Sissinghurst: An Unfinished History

Alex: The Life of Field Marshal Earl Alexander of Tunis

Universe (Astronomy)