books by author

Wild Down Under: The Natural History of Australia

Rabbit Keeping (Pet Care Guides)

A Giraffe On the Moon (Picture Puffin S.)

The Appearance of Murder

Dear Fairies

A. B. C. of Potted Plants

Dear Fairies: The Enchanted Fairy Trail

Freed for Ever
Higher Physics
Heat and Light
Experimental Hydrostatics & Mechanics

The Witch's Spell

Florence Nightingale - To Her Nurses (New Edition)

Multiple Choice Questions in Intensive Care Medicine

The Emperor's Nightingale (Piccolo Picture Books)

Sussex Women: Famous, Infamous, Unsung

SystemVerilog Verification Methodology Manual,

Making Time to Chat a Rhyme

Without a Gate

The Appearance of Murder

I'm a Little Monster

I'm a Little Monster

Nursery Rhymes

Letters from Egypt: A Journey on the Nile, 1849-1850

Freed for Life

A Short Course in General Relativity

Understanding Perioperative Nursing

Social Constructionist Psychology (UK Higher Education OUP Psychology Psychology)

Carols For Children