books by author

Henry Vi, Part 3: Pt. 3 (New Penguin Shakespeare S.)

The First Part of King Henry the Sixth: Pt.1 (New Penguin Shakespeare S.)

The Second Part of King Henry the Sixth: Pt.2 (New Penguin Shakespeare S.)

How We Lived Then: A History of Everyday Life During the Second World War

Who's to Say?: A Dialogue on Relativism (Hackett Philosophical Dialogues)

Pilgrim Guide to the Holy Land Gospel Sites

Charlotte and Emily Bronte (Literature in Perspective S.)

Sea to the West

The Shining Levels (Nature Classics Library)

Ethics Killing and War

Gaia Atlas of Future Worlds: Challenge and Opportunity in an Age of Change

God's Work for God's World

Siren Land (Travel Library)

Desert Victory: War for Kuwait


American Art in the 20th Century: Painting and Sculpture, 1913-93 (Art & Design S.)

The Field Description of Metamorphic Rocks: 14 (Geological Society of London Handbook Series)

The Gaia Atlas of Future Worlds: Challenge and Opportunity in an Age of Change (Gaia Future)

An Anglican Catechism

Climb a Lonely Hill (English Library)

The Russian Chronicles

Villages (On Location S.)

Jesus Lifstyle: Bible Commentary for Young People Based on Passages from I Corinthians

Fire on the Moon

Touch: An Exploration

Choosing a Colour Scheme (Creating a Home) (Creating a Home S.)

Starting Ballet (Usborne First Skills)


Baby Ben's Go-Go Book