books by author

Everyday Life in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia

Methods in Social Epidemiology: Research Design and Methods (Public Health/Epidemiology and Biostatistics)

The Thing in Bablock Dip

AQA GCSE (9–1) Geography Second Edition

Globalisation by Witherick, M.E. ( Author ) ON Nov-28-2008, Paperback

The Entertainers Tony Hancock

Experiment at Proto

Can You Hear?: Poems For Oxfam

Collaboration, Reputation and Ethics in American Academic Life: Hans H.Gerth and C.Wright Mills

Gangsters, Ghosts And Dragonflies (Piccolo Books)

Edexcel A level Geography Book 2 Third Edition

Ancient Egypt

A-level Geography Topic Master: Changing Places

Rome in the Bible and the Early Church

Analysis of Survival Data: 21 (Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability)

Edexcel GCSE Geography Specification B Student Book

Edexcel A2 Geography Textbook

Sacred Sites of Ancient Egypt , an Illustrated Guide to the Temples and Tombs of the Pharaohs

Algeria (Bradt Travel Guides)

Aiming for an A in A-level Geography

WJEC/Eduqas A-level Geography Student Guide 5: Global Governance: Change and challenges; 21st century challenges

WJEC/Eduqas A-level Geography Student Guide 4: Water and carbon cycles; Fieldwork and investigative skills

AQA GCSE (9–1) Geography

Edexcel A level Geography Book 1 Third Edition

Speakout Upper Intermediate Students book and DVD/Active Book Multi Rom Pack

Speakout Elementary Students book and DVD/Active Book Multi Rom pack

Virtual Reality: Green Blood
GCSE Practical Assessment Biology

The Middle Ages (Exploring the Past)