books by author

A New Introduction to Sociology

New Introductory Reader in Sociology

Hinduism (Specials S.)

Oxford Handbook of Anaesthesia 4/e (Flexicover) (Oxford Medical Handbooks)

Race and Ethnicity (Sociology in Focus S.)

The Gospel Sustains Me: The Word of God in the Life and Love of Saint Therese of Lisieux

Pearson REVISE BTEC National Sport and Exercise Science Revision Guide: for home learning, 2022 and 2023 assessments and exams (REVISE BTEC Nationals in Sport and Exercise Science)

From the Cradle to the Grave: A Multi-faith Journey Through the Life Cycle

Variety in Contemporary English

A Future for Public Ownership

Crossing Over: The Hope Of Heaven

Max Finder Mystery Collected Casebook, Volume 3: 03

Carnegie's Excuse

A new introduction to sociology

Man Up! 367 Classic Skills For The Modern Guy

Using HTML 3.2, Java 1.2 and JavaScript Platinium Edition (Platinum edition using)

Postmodernism (Lion Access Guides)

The Case of the Trail Trap and Other Mysteries (EDGE: Max Finder)

The Case of the Snake Escape and Other Mysteries (EDGE: Max Finder)

Friends in Low Places

Microeconomic Reform in Britain: Delivering Opportunities for All: Delivering Enterprise and Fairness

Janet and John Series: Basic Bks.Phonic S.: Janet and John, Bk.3 (Janet & John series)

Christianity: A New Approach 2nd edn

Pieces of Modesty

A New Approach: Christianity 3rd Edition (ANA)

Variety in Contemporary English


I Heard the Wild Birds Sing: A Kerry Childhood

Access to Religious Studies: Introduction to the New Testament