books by author

Human Development

The Wellspring (Cape Poetry)

Stag's Leap

A Balcony in Nepal: Glimpses of a Himalayan Village

Raising Holy Hell

Colour Atlas of the Rat Dissection G: Dissection Guide (Wolfe Medical Atlases)

Colour Atlas of the Rat Dissection G: Dissection Guide (Wolfe Medical Atlases)

Au pays des perroquets: Feerie theatrale et narration chez Flaubert (Faux Titre)

One Secret Thing

Penguin Modern Poets 4: Liz Lochhead, Roger McGough, Sharon Olds Bk. 4

A Colour Atlas of Microbiology: 11 (Wolfe medical atlases)

Maternal-Newborn Nursing and Women's Health Care

MP, Human Development with Student CD and PowerWeb