books by author

Christians and Muslims in the Commonwealth: A Dynamic Role in the Future

World Christianity: Politics, Dialogues and Theology

The Other Side of the Mountain

Abba, Father!: A Personal Catechism of the Catholic Faith

Edexcel A Level French (Includes AS) (Edexcel a/As French)

Edexcel International GCSE French Student Book Second Edition

Ludwig Wittgenstein: Dictating Philosophy: To Francis Skinner – The Wittgenstein-Skinner Manuscripts

Digital Revolution: An Immersive Exhibition of Art, Design, Film, Music and Video Games

St.Therese of Lisieux by Those Who Knew Her

Techno Textiles: Revolutionary Fabrics for Fashion and Design

Rethink Social Media: Stop Wasting Time. Start Earning Money

The Other Side of the Mountain

The Political Economy of the Low-Carbon Transition: Pathways Beyond Techno-Optimism (International Political Economy Series)

Symbolist Objects: Materiality and Subjectivity at the Fin De Siecle

American Art (The World's Greatest Art)

A River in the Trees

Cambridge IGCSE™ French Student Book Third Edition

Cambridge IGCSE® French Student Book Second Edition


Finding the Still Point (Exploring Prayer S.)

Fantasy of Human Rights