books by author

The Fervent Prayer

Further Education and the Twelve Dancing Princesses

Down to the Wire: Confronting Climate Collapse

Leroy The Lobster

Nim's Island

New! Beam Antenna Handbook

Birds (First look nature books)

Insects (First look nature books)

Un-Jewish State: Politics of Jewish Identity in Israel (Jerusalem Studies Series): No. 10

Marvellous Discoveries: Animal Discoveries

Mammals of Britain and Europe

How to Pass Exams

The Trampling Trembling Tanglelow Tale: 2 (The Tanglelows)

How to Pass Exams

Designers' Guide to EN 1997-1 Eurocode 7: Geotechnical Design - General Rules (Designer's Guides Eurocodes): 17 (Designers' Guide to Eurocodes)

Deer Forests, Landlords and Crofters

The Bird Atlas

Nim's Island

Discover Sea Turtles Hatching

Q-Z (v. 4) (International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia)

A First Poetry Book (Poetry Book Series)

Jungles (Find out About)

Plant Life: 20 (Closer Look at S.)
New Approaches in Flaubert Studies: v. 34 (Studies in French Literature)

Richard Orr's Nature Cross-Sections

A-D (v. 1) (International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia)

E-J (v. 2) (The International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia)

K-P (v. 3) (The International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia)

How to Pass Exams (The how to series)