books by author

Hepple, Howarth and Matthews' Tort: Cases & Materials: Cases and Materials

Running: The Autobiography

IELTS Strategies for Study: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking at University and College

Teach Cricket: A Practical Guide for Teachers, Coaches & Parents

IELTS Practice Tests

Synoptic Materia Medica

Mustards, Pickles and Chutneys

English Grammar Workbook for Dummies (UK Edition)

Light Out of Darkness

Life Processes (Action Science)

It's All in Your Head: Stories from the Frontline of Psychosomatic Illness

Mensch, be Careful!: Mensch, be Careful!

He's Having A Baby

Marketing (Modular Texts In Business & Economics)

Urban Economics

English at Work

Studying the Media, 2Ed: An Introduction

The Sleeping Beauties: And Other Stories of Mystery Illness

The Quick and Easy Way to Teach Cricket

Mind Power


English (Bk. 2) (Practice in Essentail Skills)

The Law of Contract (Core Text Series)

Leadership and Professional Development in Schools: How to Promote Techniques for Effective Professional Learning (Schools Management Solutions)

Supporting Families (Practical Social Work Series)
planet earth

Double Kiss: 2 (Soho Nights)

The Break (Soho Nights)

I Heard the Wild Birds Sing: A Kerry Childhood