books by author

Georg Lukacs: From Romanticism to Bolshevism

The Law (Elond Classics)

Words and Music: Introduction

One Hundred Strokes of the Brush Before Bed

Case Presentations in Endocrinology and Diabetes

Marie Curie (QED Great Lives S.)

Design and Make Puppets (Design & Make)

Stories for Christmas

A Psychiatric Catechism: Clinical Notes for Medical Undergraduates (Catechism S.)

Science and Technology (Pt. 1) (Practical Topics for the Primary School)

Cocky: The Rise and Fall of Curtis Warren, Britain's Biggest Drugs Baron

Spina bifida - neural tube defects: Basic research, interdisciplinary diagnostics and treatment, results and prognosis

Social Work Practice Under Capitalism: Critical Texts in Social Work and the Welfare State (Critical texts in social work & the welfare state)

Materiality and Time: Historical Perspectives on Organizations, Artefacts and Practices (Technology, Work and Globalization)

Jokes, Jokes, Jokes: 12 (Jokes & puzzles)

Techniques in Immunocytochemistry: v. 2

Essentials of Paediatric Intensive Care

Travel: 5 (Stepping Through History)


Usborne Guide to German : Simple phrases and how to say them (Usborne Guides)

Religious Education (Pt. 3) (Practical Topics for the Primary School)

Superbikes (Young engineer)

Algebraic Topology: Proceedings, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, August 1977: 673 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 673)

Livre Du Professeur 4 (Le Nouveau Sans Frontieres: Livre Du Professeur 4)

Principles of Organometallic Chemistry

Ice Creams and Candies

Painting (Hobby Guide)

Mathematics Revision Notes for General Certificate of Secondary Education (Mathematics revision notes for GCSE)

Cahier d'Exercices 4 (Le Nouveau Sans Frontieres: Cahier D'Exercices 4)