books by author
P. G.

Archbishops of Canterbury: A History (Revealing History)

Models of the United Kingdom Economy: 4th (Models of the United Kingdom Economy: A Review by the E.S.R.C.Macroeconomic Modelling Bureau)

Japanese Kana Workbook

A Wodehouse Bestiary

Jeeves Takes Charge and Other Stories

Ice in the Bedroom

Alternative Approaches to Economic Planning

Something Fresh

Joy in the Morning (Arena Books)

Pigs have Wings

The Clicking Of Cuthbert And Other Golf Stories

The Drones Omnibus

The Code of the Woosters

Laughing Gas

TheCode of the Woosters

Money in the Bank

Mr. Mulliner Speaking (Coronet Books)

Much Obliged, Jeeves

The World Of Psmith: Psmith In The City; Psmith Journalist; Leave It To Psmith

Mike and Psmith

Fluid Balance and Volume Resuscitation for Beginners (Greenwich Medical Media)

The Man with Two Left Feet & Other Stories

Sunset at Blandings

Louder and Funnier

The Roman Novel (Bristol Classical Paperbacks.)

Very Good, Jeeves!

Principles of Reaction Kinetics: (Revised 2nd Edition in SI Units)

Jeeves and the Hard-boiled Egg and Other Stories (Bloomsbury Classic Series)

The World Of Mr Mulliner: The Mulliner Omnibus: Mr Mulliner Speaking; Meet Mr Mulliner; Mulliner Nigh