books by author

Basic Spreadsheets For Schools

Natural Selection and Heredity (University Library)

Linear Equations (Library of Mathematics)

Basic Excel 2000 (Ict Skills for Schools)

Successful IT Projects In Word

'AS' Level ICT

Tackling Computer Projects with Visual Basic for Applications

Reading Worlds 2D Busy Forest Reader (Reading Worlds - Discovery World - Level 2)

Reading Worlds 3D Powerful Pawpaw Reader (Reading Worlds - Discovery World - Level 3)

'A' Level Information Technology

Basic Word Processing For Schools (It Skills for Schools)

Successful ICT Projects In Access (2nd Edition)

Key Skills In Information Technology Levels 2 and 3 (Key Skills in IT)

Successful ICT Projects In Word (2nd Edition) (GCE ICT)

Further Excel 2000 (Ict Skills for Schools)

Further Word 2000 (Further ICT)

'A' Level ICT (2nd Edition)