books by author
Dinosaur Poo: How Scientists Learn about Prehistoric Life

The HP Way

Title: Safari dans la jungle

My Messy Room (My First Hello Reader)

You are a Shark (Choose Your Own Adventure S.)

Through the Black Hole (U-Ventures)

The Forbidden Castle (U-Ventures)

Processing and Producing Head-final Structures: 38 (Studies in Theoretical Psycholinguistics, 38)

Sunken Treasure (Choose Your Own Adventure)

Return to the Cave of Time (Choose Your Own Adventure S.)

Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree (Little Golden Book)

The Ugly Duckling (Timeless tales from Hallmark)

Puss in Boots (Timeless tales from Hallmark)

Rumpelstiltzkin (Timeless Tales from Hallmark)

The Emperor's New Clothes (Timeless tales from Hallmark)

2000 Tips for Teachers

The Waste makers

Naked Society

Church Refugees: Sociologists Reveal Why People Are Done with Church But Not Their Faith