books by author
Patrick Moore
Patrick Moore's Yearbook of Astronomy 2015
The Universe For the Under Tens
The Observer's Book of Astronomy
Travellers in space and time
Astronomy for the Under 10s
The sun
Mrs Moore in Space
Seeing Stars
Philip's Atlas of the Universe
Captives of the Moon
Practical Amateur Astronomy
The University for the Under Tens
The solar system
The Unfolding Universe
the observer's book of astronomy
the universe for the under tens
the observer's book of astronomy
How to recognise the stars
The stars and the planets
Stories of Science and Invention
Exploring the Night Sky with Binoculars
Patrick Moore's Yearbook of Astronomy 2011
Stargazing: The Digital Astronomer
Guide to Comets
The Data Book of Astronomy
Patrick Moore's Yearbook of Astronomy 2013
Bang!: The Complete History of the Universe