books by author

End of Theology and the Task of Thinking About God

Pastoral Care and Liberation Theology

Fame Game

Programmed Introduction to Gas-liquid Chromatography

The Blackwell Reader in Pastoral and Practical Theology (Wiley Blackwell Readings in Modern Theology)

Fossil Men: The Quest for the Oldest Skeleton and the Origins of Humankind

Thailand (Blue Guides)

Complete English for Cambridge Lower Secondary Writing and Grammar Practice Book (First Edition): For Cambridge Checkpoint and beyond (Complete English for Cambridge Secondary 1)

Mental Health Matters: A Reader

Spirituality in Health Care Contexts

Crucifixions and Resurrections of the Image: Reflections on Art and Modernity

100 Cases in Clinical Medicine

A Critique of Pastoral Care

Short Course in Christian Doctrine

A Critique of Pastoral Care

My Favourite Colour: Bk. 7 (Read With Ladybird)

Programming Distributed Applications with COM and Microsoft Visual Basic (Programming/Visual Basic)

Writing Competitions: The Way to Win

How to Survive and Succeed as a SENCo in the Secondary School

The Guest Book: A gripping psychological thriller with shocking twist

A Christmas Kiss (Christmas Fiction)

A Coffee Break Story Collection: 36 Short Stories

A Christmas Kiss (Christmas Fiction)

Beautiful Ghosts

Memoirs (Cassell biographies)


A Short Course in the Philosophy of Religion

100 Cases in Clinical Medicine

100 Cases in Clinical Medicine, Second Edition