books by author

Explaining Water Baptism: No 20

Explaining the Resurrection: v. 27

Is the Blessing Biblical?: Thinking Through the Toronto Phenomenon

Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices

Hope for the Millennium (Hope for the Millennium: Christian Debate About the Future)

Jesus Baptises in One Holy Spirit: When?, How?, Why?, Who?

Personal Evangelism

Crime and Society: Readings in History and Theory (Readings in History & Theory)

Infant Baptism Under Cross-examination: Sequel to "Case for Infant Baptism"

Des Pawson's Knot Craft: 28 Ropework Projects

The Maker's Instructions: A new look at the 10 Commandments

Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices

Robot Book

Practising the Principles of Prayer

Explaining Trust

Unlocking the Bible

WJEC Eduqas GCSE (9-1) Religious Studies Route A

The Science of Evaluation: A Realist Manifesto

Evidence-Based Policy: A Realist Perspective

Handbook of Knots: Expanded Edition

Leadership is Male: Challenge to Christian Feminism

Handbook of Knots

The Picasso Scam (Detective Inspector Charlie Priest Mysteries)

Des Pawson's Knot Craft: 28 Ropework Projects

When Jesus Returns

The Road to Hell

The Normal Christian Birth: How to Give New Believers a Proper Start in Life

Truth to Tell (Hodder Christian paperbacks)