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Vocabulary Year 5 (New Scholastic Literacy Skills)

By Clements, Sylvia, Peacock, Jim, Ward, Catherine

Excellence in Scientific Enquiry (year 4)

By Peacock, Graham

Excellence in Scientific Enquiry (year 5)

By Peacock, Graham

Excellence in Scientific Enquiry (year 6)

By Peacock, Graham

Cases in Organisational Behaviour

By Adam-Smith, Derek, Peacock, Sir Alan

Science Activities

By Peacock, Graham

Headlong Hall (Wordsworth Classics)

By Peacock, Thomas Love

Carol Praise

By Peacock, David, Perry, Michael

Vocabulary: Year 3 (New Scholastic Literacy Skills)

By Taylor, Sue, Fox, Woody, Peacock, Jim

Let's Praise!

By Peacock, David, etc.

Headlong Hall (Everyman Paperbacks)

By Peacock, Thomas Love

Music and Words (Sing Glory: Hymns, Psalms and Songs for a New Century)

By Peacock, David, etc.

Costume, 1066-1990s: A Complete Guide to English Costume Design and History

By Peacock, John

Teaching Primary Science

By Peacock, Alan

Primary Science: Teaching Theory and Practice: Third Edition (Achieving Qts)

By Sharp, John, Johnsey, Rob, Peacock, Graham A, Simon, Shirley, Smith, Robin James

Elementary Microtechniques

By Peacock, H.Alan, Bradbury, Savile

Exploring Life and the Environment: Level 2-5 (Spectrum Science S.)

By Peacock, Graham, etc., Smith, Robin

Science in Primary Schools: The Multicultural Dimension

By Peacock, Alan

Exploring Science

By Graham, Peacock

The Urban Hen: A practical guide to keeping poultry in a town or city

By Peacock, Paul

Roald Dahl: George's Marvellous Experiments

By Blake, Quentin, Peacock, Jim, Davies, Michelle Porte

Keeping Bees: Choosing, Nurturing & Harvests (Digging and Planting)

By Gregory, Pam, Waring, Claire, Peacock, Paul

Food for the Gods: New Light on the Ancient Incense Trade

By Peacock, D. P. S., A. C. S., Williams, David

Let's Praise 2

By Peacock, David, Kendrick, Graham, Perry, Michael

Nightmare Abbey & Crotchet Castle (Penguin Classics)

By Thomas Love Peacock, Wright, Raymond, Peacock, Thomas


By Peacock, Lindsay T.

Chronicle of Western Costume: From the Ancient World to the Late Twentieth Century

By John Peacock, Peacock, John

Best Radio Plays (Modern Plays)

By Gee, Shirley, Harrison, Carey, Keeffe, Barrie, Kirkmorris, John, Peacock, Wymark, Olwen

Spelling: Year 6 (New Scholastic Literacy Skills)

By Howell, Gillian, Peacock, Jim, Van Wyck, Rupert

Brief History of Eternity

By Peacock, Roy