books by author
Penelope Lively

The Road to Lichfield

According To Mark

Moon Tiger

Next to Nature, Art

Dragon Trouble (Banana Books)

The Purple Swamp Hen and Other Stories

City of the Mind

A Stitch in Time (Collins Modern Classics)

Family Album

Metamorphosis: Selected Stories

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Stitch in Time

Cleopatra's Sister

The Ghost Of Thomas Kempe

The Driftway

Judy and The Martian (Red Storybooks)

The Driftway (Puffin Books)
Manservant and Maidservant



A House Inside out (Puffin Books)

Debbie and the Little Devil

A Martian in the Supermarket
The Photograph

Astercote (Puffin Books)

AQA GCSE Anthology Sunlight on the Grass

City of the Mind

Wild Hunt of Hagworthy (Piccolo Books)

The house in Norham Gardens (Piccolo)