books by author
Peter C.

Winds of the Spirit: A Constructive Christian Theology

Royal Entomological Society Book of British Insects


Easy Mathematics for Biologists

Christian Theology

Ezekiel (The daily study Bible)

Horse Anatomy: A Pictorial Approach to Equine Structure

Engineering with Polymers

Design for Trustworthy Software: Tools, Techniques, and Methodology of Developing Robust Software

The Well-Tuned Brain: The Remedy for a Manic Society

A Mood Apart: Thinker's Guide to Emotion and Its Disorders

The Parson and the Victorian Parish

Pathology of Domestic Animals: v. 1

Lecture Notes: Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Engineering with Fibre-Polymer Laminates

Breaking Strongholds in Your City: How to Use Spiritual Mapping Tomake Your Prayers More Strategic, Effective and Targeted

Engaging the Enemy How to Fight and Defeat Territorial Spirits

Twelve Prophets: Bk.2 (Daily Study Bible)

Churchill's Pocketbook of Medicine

Murder, Manners and Mystery: Reflections on Faith in Contemporary Detective Fiction (John Albert Hall Lecture Series)

Battle of Midway

Churchill's Pocketbook of Medicine (Churchill's pocket guides)

What works?: Evidence-based policy and practice in public services

Loves and Deaths: Novelists' Tales of the Nineteenth Century from Scott to Hardy

Heritage of the Sea

BASIC Programming for Chemists: An Introduction

York Notes on John Milton's "Selected Poems" (Longman Literature Guides)

The Well-Tuned Brain: Neuroscience and the Life Well Lived

Collins African Wildlife