books by author

Peter D.

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Improving Children's Reading in the Junior School: Challenges and Responses (Special needs in ordinary schools series)

By Pumfrey, Peter D.

Painting with Pastels

By Johnson, Peter D., Peter D

Reading: Tests and Assessment Techniques (A UKRA teaching of reading monograph)

By Pumfrey, Peter D.

Measuring Reading Abilities: Concepts, Sources and Applications

By Pumfrey, Peter D.

Cognitive-Behavioural Interventions with Psychotic Disorders

By Haddock, Gillian, Slade, Peter D.

100 Science Lessons for Year 5 (100 Science Lessons S.)

By Riley, Peter D.

Biogeography: An Ecological and Evolutionary Approach

By Cox, C. Barry, Moore, Peter D.

Discovering New Medicines: Careers in Pharmaceutical Research and Development

By Stonier, Peter D.

Magnetism (Straightforward Science)

By Riley, Peter D.

Science Assesment: KS1 (Scholastic Portfolio Assessment S.)

By Riley, Peter D.

Marketing Management

By Dickson, Peter D.

Successful Bonsai Growing (Concorde Books)

By Adams, Peter D.

Life Science: Groundwork in Biology

By Riley, Peter D.

Comprehensive Clinical Hepatology

By O'Grady MD FRCPI, John G., Lake MD, John R., Howdle MD FRCP, Peter D.

Science in the Street (Everyday Science)

By Riley, Peter D., Fairclough, Chris, Richards, Tony, Dunn, Gavin, Fairclough, Chris

Lecture Notes on Diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat

By Bull, Peter D.

Biogeography: An Ecological and Evolutionary Approach

By Cox, C. Barry, Moore, Peter D.

Applied Blood Group Serology

By Issitt, Peter D.


By Riley, Peter D.

Our world

By Riley, Peter D.

Mysterious Oceans (Magic Eye S.)

By Riley, Peter D., Hargreaves, Toni

Nightwatch: Nightlife in the Tropical Rainforest (Magic Eye S.)

By Riley, Peter D., Croucher, Barry, Edwards, Brin

Painting with Pastels

By Johnson, Peter D.